Keeping Records of Tortoise Activities and Growth
If you have more than one tortoise, make a section for each tortoise. At the top of the first page for that tortoise, record its common name and sex if known, scientific name, and your name for the tortoise, such as, “Tank” male desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. On the first page say where the tortoise came from and when. Identify the journal with your name and address. login
If you have more than one tortoise, make a section for each tortoise. At the top of the first page for that tortoise, record its common name and sex if known, scientific name, and your name for the tortoise, such as, “Tank” male desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. On the first page say where the tortoise came from and when. Identify the journal with your name and address.
DA: 41 PA: 61 MOZ Rank: 42