Broken Arrow
Pre-K online enrollment now open for 2022-23 school year For the 2022-23 school year, online enrollment is now open for Broken Arrow Public Schools’ Pre-K program. Early Childhood Center placement is dependent on and site availability. Transportation to and from school is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Please review the ‘frequently asked questions’ document ( | ). Parents/guardians do not have to visit the enrollment center if required documents are uploaded correctly. We encourage you to take advantage of this online service feature to avoid long wait lines. Student must be four years old by Sept. 1, 2022 to enroll in Pre-K. Step 1: to enroll your student. Step 2: Please access the online application link ( | ) from any device with internet access. Step 3: Monitor email for communication from an enrollment registrar to verify completion or need of additional documents Customer service to our community is our top priority. If you need assistance, you may call us at 918-259-7400 or at any time during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Every effort will be made to return correspondence the same day. However, due to high volume, we ask that you allow 24-48 hours for response. If you need immediate assistance, please visit us in-person and a registrar will assist you. The enrollment center is located at in Broken Arrow. For more information or if there are any questions, please contact Enrollment Services at . Please include your students name in the subject line. 'Saying it with a Slice’ pizza parties rescheduled March 2 and March 3 In an effort to thank its 2,300 employees, Broken Arrow Public Schools is “Saying it with a Slice” by hosting a pizza party event. Due to the weather last week, this event has been rescheduled for the following dates: Wednesday, March 2 Delivery 1: Liberty Elementary, Vanguard Academy Delivery 2: Transportation, Maintenance, Oneta Ridge Middle School, Options & Virtual Academy, Oliver Middle School, Arrowhead Elementary Delivery 3: Education Service Center, Childers Middle School, Arrow Springs ECC, Highland Park Elementary, Lynn Wood Elementary Thursday, March 3 Delivery 1: Creekwood Elementary, Park Lane ECC, Rhoades Elementary, Creekwood ECC, Timber Ridge Elementary Delivery 2: Leisure Park Elementary, Spring Creek Elementary, Wolf Creek Elementary, Oak Crest Elementary, Rosewood Elementary, Warehouse “Simply put, our staff is second to none,” said Superintendent Chuck Perry. “I speak on behalf of our Board of Education and our entire team when I say how much we appreciate all the hard work and dedication our employees show our students every single day.” Pizza will be purchased at Papa John's, a wonderful community partner of the district.BAPS to participate in nationwide Read Across America week to support ongoing literacy model Feb. 28 - March 5 In support of its ongoing literacy efforts, Broken Arrow Public Schools is joining school districts from across the nation to celebrate Read Across America to showcase the importance of reading Feb. 28 through March 5. During the week, school sites and classrooms will focus on making reading fun with many exciting reading activities, volunteer readers and dress up days. “Broken Arrow educators truly understand that literacy is the key to student achievement and are committed to providing students with a variety of opportunities that lead them to success,” Deputy Superintendent Karla Dyess said. “We have more than 19,000 students enrolled at Broken Arrow Public Schools, and we realize that each comes with unique needs in regards to literacy.” Read Across America is only one of many literacy initiatives the district has adopted. Others include Reading Recovery, Literacy Now and small group intervention with highly qualified reading teachers. Anyone interested in volunteering their time to be a guest reader in a classroom during Read Across America can sign up by contacting their school site.Districtwide art show set for March 7 - 31 at NSU-BA In the effort to allow students in every grade to present their artistic talents and creativity to the community, Broken Arrow Public Schools is hosting its annual districtwide art show March 7 - 31 at Northeastern State University-Broken Arrow (NSU-BA). The art can be viewed on a "Come and Go" basis 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday - Friday (closed for spring break, March 14-18.) This free event is open to the public and will feature paintings, sculptures, photography and more from students in grades Pre-K through 12. There will also be a Reception and Awards ceremony from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22. The awards ceremony for elementary art students will start at 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. for secondary art students. The districtwide art show takes place in NSU-BA’s administrative services building for 6-8 grades and in the education building for Pre-K-5 grades. NSU-BA is located at at the intersection of 101st street and the Creek Turnpike. 01234567
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