Portuguese leid - Wikipedia
The Portuguese leid is the 3rd maist spoken wastren leid (juist efter Inglis an Spaingie) wi aboot 200 million native speakers, an a puckle mair millions aw ower the warld acause the fowk o Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique etc. that traivelt tae mony different pairts o the warld. Portuguese an Spaingie is baith romance leids an haes a lot o things in common. But they´re no the same. Whilk a Portuguese speaker can unnerstaund a Spaingie speaker, but mai…
The Portuguese leid is the 3rd maist spoken wastren leid (juist efter Inglis an Spaingie) wi aboot 200 million native speakers, an a puckle mair millions aw ower the warld acause the fowk o Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique etc. that traivelt tae mony different pairts o the warld. Portuguese an Spaingie is baith romance leids an haes a lot o things in common. But they´re no the same. Whilk a Portuguese speaker can unnerstaund a Spaingie speaker, but mai…
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