Radar Widgets is the best set of widgets to watch important events in your GitHub repo. TOP FEATURES - Security vulnerability widgets -- Integrates with GitHub Dependabot alerts - Build status widgets -- Integrates with Github Actions workflows - One-click to full details -- … password
A beautiful collection of iOS widgets integrating with GitHub dependabot vulnerability alerts and GitHub Actions build workflows. Security Vulnerability Widgets Watch repos for security vulnerabilities, including CVE ids, severities, summaries and link to full advisory details.
Qt Widgets Dashboard to visualize some radar information of the 24GHz Infineon Position2Go Radar. - GitHub - Qt-Widgets/P2G-Dashboard-Radar-Display-Polar-Plot: Qt Widgets Dashboard to visualize some radar information of the 24GHz Infineon Position2Go Radar. password
Dec 03, 2016 . cordova-plugin-radar Public. Cordova plugin for Radar, the leading geofencing and location tracking platform. Java 12 Apache-2.0 8 4 2 Updated on Dec 3, 2021. shortcut-ticket-gh-action Public. custom github action to create shortcut tickets after a pull request is opened. Python 0 GPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated on Dec 1, 2021. password
DA:99PA:38MOZ Rank:40
GitHub - michaeldfallen/git-radar: A heads up display for git
Jan 08, 2017 . It is unset by GIT_RADAR_COLOR_STASH_RESET which you can set if you want a different background colour to return to. License. Git Radar is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the full license text. Links. mini-git-radar - lightweight version of git-radar. Only for macOS and bash/fish. About. A heads up display for git password
DA:59PA:10MOZ Rank:35
GitHub - thoughtworks/build-your-own-radar: A library …
Dec 16, 2021 . Note: The JSON file parsing is using D3 library, so consult the D3 documentation for the data format details. Building the radar. Paste the URL in the input field on the home page. That's it! Note: The quadrants of the radar, and the order of the rings inside the radar will be drawn in the order they appear in your data. Check this page for step by step guidance.
Jan 25, 2022 . GitHub is where people build software. More than 73 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 200 million projects. password
DA:63PA:40MOZ Rank:41
Falcon | Dashboard & Web App Template - prium.github.io
Forgot password. Confirm mail. Reset password. Lock screen. Wizard. Modal. User. Profile. Settings. Pricing. Pricing default. ... The forecast today shows a low of 20℃ in California. See today's weather. ... Get Falcon now and create beautiful dashboards with hundreds of widgets.
Add the following snippet to your HTML: Radar project using Arduino and ultra sonic sensor SR04. Radar Project. Project showcase by Siraj Msm. 7,322 views. 1 comment. 17 respects. Project showcase.
DA:61PA:34MOZ Rank:91
Widget Builder - AirNav RadarBox - Global Flight Tracking
Widget Builder Want to have our live flights on your website? Just build your widget and paste the generated code on your HTML Instructions. Select the Width and Height of the widget using the radio buttons to the right. Then pan and zoom the map below to the desired location you wish to display on your embedded widget. password
DA:15PA:75MOZ Rank:46
20 Beautiful Weather Widgets For Your Android Home Screens
Apr 28, 2021 . Many Android users like to customize their home screen to the fullest, decorating them according to their own taste or style. Last week we presented you with our compilations of minimalistic clock and calendar widgets to spice up your home screen, but we are not stopping there, this week, we are moving on to 20 beautiful weather widgets.. Keeping in mind that …
Our REST API is backed by scalable cloud infrastructure built and maintained by apilayer, capable of handling billions of requests per day. Millions of locations can be looked up by city or region name, ZIP code, IP address, or even using latitude and longitude coordinates. All data streams sent to and from the weatherstack API are secured ...
DA:10PA:58MOZ Rank:66
Falcon | Dashboard & Web App Template - prium.github.io
Intro. Dedicated, passionate, and accomplished Full Stack Developer with 9+ years of progressive experience working as an Independent Contractor for Google and developing and growing my educational social network that helps others learn programming, web design, game development, networking. I’ve acquired a wide depth of knowledge and ...
DA:29PA:98MOZ Rank:14
Falcon | Dashboard & Web App Template - prium.github.io
Find the JS file for the following chart at: src/js/charts/echarts/examples/radar-multiple-chart.js--> <!-- If you are not using gulp based workflow, you can find the ...