How to Use a Samsung TV Remote App - ControlMeister
Step 1: Download Remote Control App Step 1: Download Remote Control App
Download and open ControlMeister on your iOS device. You can download ControlMeister for free by clicking the [] button, or search for ControlMeister in the Apple Store. Step 2: Connect to your Samsung TV Step 2: Connect to your Samsung TV
Connect your iOS device and TV to the same network. This is the most important step to ensure that the Samsung TV remote app works with your Samsung Smart TV. If you are not sure the devices are connected to the same network, please follow this guide: Step 3: Select your Samsung TV Step 3: Select your Samsung TV
Select your TV and start navigating! If your Samsung Smart TV and your iPhone or iPad are connected to the same network, you should be able to see the name of your TV in the Samsung remote app. In case you can’t find your TV in the app please go back to step 2 and double-check the connections. After replacing your old Samsung remote control with this new Samsung TV remote app, you can start enjoying the full remote functionality. The new Samsung TV remote app allows you to have faster access to your favirote apps such as YouTube, Netflix, HBO, or Hulu. You can easily control your channels, volume, menus, apps and navigation. In addition, using this Samsung remote app will enhance your entire browsing experience. The Samsung TV keyboard automatically pops up when necessary so you don’t need to think about this. You can stay focused on your TV show, app, or game.
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