CB24 Credit Card App - citizensbank24.com
Panel Section 1 How does the CB Credit Card app let me manage my credit card? After you’ve downloaded the app from the App Store® or Google Play™, simply set up your account and then use the app to set a wide range of controls and alerts. You can: Turn your card on or off
Set transaction spending limits based on your preferences, including dollar amount, transaction type and merchant type
Get instant alerts on certain types of transactions, like when a transaction is declined
Set a specific region where the card can be used, or restrict usage based on your mobile device’s location Alerts show up just like any other notifications you receive on your mobile device.Panel Section 2 Why is it better to manage my cards? Because you can manage your credit card transactions all in one place, right from your mobile device. You have complete control of how, when, where and who uses your card. Plus, knowing that you’ve set the rules, restrictions and alerts that meet your specific spending preferences adds another layer of fraud detection and prevention, and gives you added peace of mind.Panel Section 3 Why do some cards have the option for sending to Digital Wallet, but others do not? The Digital Wallet is only visible to participating BINs and Product Types such as Citizens Bank Business Credit Cards.Panel Section 4 Can I access CB24 Credit Card App through the Citizens Bank's mobile app or website? At this time, the CB24 Credit Card app card controls are accessed only through the CB24 Credit Card app. But stay tuned. We are working on future updates, including making it accessible through our mobile app and website.Panel Section 5 Why can't I see my other account history through the CB24 Credit Card app's Transactions page? Only credit card transactions will show in the CB24 Credit Card app.Panel Section 6 How can I set a spending limit? Within the Controls & Alerts screen, tap Spend Limits. On the Spend Control screen, enable “Per Transaction or Month ” and enter the amount above which transactions must be denied. Then click “save.” Keep in mind your rules will not overwrite any bank rules related to limits, locations, access and restrictions.Panel Section 7 What happens when I turn my card off? All transactions—except recurring transactions—will be denied.
Should you detect your card is lost or stolen, you can disable transactions through the CB24 Credit Card app. However to cancel a card, you must contact customer service to report any lost or stolen cards, or suspicious activity at 866-882-2265.Panel Section 8 How do My Location preferences work? First, you’ll need to ensure your phone’s location feature is set to allow the CB24 Credit Card app to use location tracking. When Location Preference is turned on in the App, in-store transactions at locations that differ significantly from your location will be denied. The App can determine where your phone is located and uses it as an indicator of where you are. An in-store credit card transaction at a location far away from you is likely fraudulent and will be denied. My Location control is an effective method to help deter fraud.Panel Section 9 What if I have My Location preference set, and my phone is lost or stolen, what do I do? Call Citizens Bank at 866-882-2265. We will turn off your Location preferences so you’re able to use your card. Once your phone is found or replaced, you’ll need to turn on My Location settings again.Panel Section 10 I just received my new Citizens Bank Credit Card. Do I need to reenter the card information in the CB24 Credit Card app? Yes. When you receive a new credit card—for whatever reason—you must update your card information in the App. A new expiration date, card number, security code, etc. are all changes that trigger the need to update your information. Privacy & Security Tools Investment Services* Let's Get Connected * Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, and are not insured by bank insurance, the FDIC or any other government agency, are not deposits or obligations of the bank, are not guaranteed by the bank, and are subject to risks, including the possible loss of principal. Investment Advisory services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Citizens Investment Services and Citizens Bank are not registered broker/dealers and are independent of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. ×
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