5 Lesser-Known Heroes in the Book of Mormon
1. Sam 1. Sam Illustrations by Andrew Bosley Like Laman and Lemuel, Sam was an older brother to Nephi (see ). But unlike Laman and Lemuel, Sam didn’t harden his heart and murmur. When Nephi told him about his revelations from the Lord, he believed Nephi (see ). He was described as “just and holy” (), and he and his descendants were given the same blessing as Nephi (see ). This Hero’s Lessons Be humble. Belief is a choice, as well as a gift (see ). Blessings come to those who believe.2. Abish 2. Abish At one point during Ammon’s preaching to King Lamoni, he and everyone in the king’s house had fallen to the earth, overcome by the power of God. Everyone, that is, except Abish (see ). She was a woman who had been converted to the Lord years earlier but had kept it a secret. When she saw what had happened, though, she immediately saw it as her opportunity to help her people believe in the Lord, so “she ran forth from house to house” () to get them to come and see.
But it didn’t go according to plan. When she got back, people were fighting over what it all meant and what to do. Abish, in tears, couldn’t think of anything else to do except to try and lift the queen up from the floor. It worked. The queen got up and testified of Jesus Christ. Then the king and everyone else eventually got up, and many of them testified of their experiences and the change that had taken place in them (see ).
As a result, “many … did believe in their words [and] were baptized; and they became a righteous people” (). This was the beginning of the Lord’s work among the Lamanites, which eventually led to the conversion of thousands. This Hero’s Lessons Have patience. When the opportunity to share the gospel presents itself, seize it. Trust in the Lord and act in faith—even when there seems to be opposition. We all have a role to play in the Lord’s work.3. The Lone Amalekite convert 3. The Lone Amalekite convert When the sons of Mosiah helped convert thousands of the Lamanites, there were two groups of ex-Nephites who didn’t go along: the Amalekites and Amulonites. None of the Amulonites were converted. And none of the Amalekites were converted—“save only one” (). We don’t know this person’s name or anything else about him or her. But what’s impressive is the fact that this person was willing to open his or her heart to the gospel in spite of tradition, peer pressure, and cultural bias. This Hero’s Lessons Dare to stand alone. Every soul is of great worth. The honest in heart can be found anywhere—even in the least likely of places. ” from the May 2013 New Era.4. Shiblon 4. Shiblon Shiblon was a son of Alma. Compared to his brothers, he has very few verses about him in the Book of Mormon. (Of course, that’s not entirely bad, since his brother Corianton got more attention because of his sins and doubts [see ].) Like Corianton, Shiblon was a missionary among the Zoramites (see ). But unlike Corianton, Shiblon was praised by his father for being steady, faithful, diligent, and patient (see ). He was later ordained to teach the people (see ) and eventually was entrusted with the records and other sacred objects (see ). Not much more is recorded about him except that “he was a just man, and he did walk uprightly before God; and he did observe to do good continually, to keep the commandments of the Lord his God” (). This Hero’s Lessons Fame and attention don’t matter much. It may not be flashy, but being steady, faithful, and diligent earns us the trust of God and His servants. ” (New Era, Aug. 2010); “” (Apr. 2015 general conference).5. Captain Moroni’s messenger 5. Captain Moroni’s messenger
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