Your January 2022 Sex and Love Horoscope | Shape
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Taurus (April 20-May 20) Since last month, a bevy of planets have been hanging in your ninth house of adventure, pushing you out of your comfort zone, and from January 24 to March 5, gung-ho Mars, the planet of sex, will be there, too, motivating you to not only move beyond your usual routine in the bedroom but experiment and learn along the way. Whether you've been thinking of , , or , this transit can light a fire under you. And around January 17, when the full moon falls in your third house of communication, you'll feel stirred to have an emotional heart-to-heart with your S.O. or a dear friend. can lead to feeling reassured that your vision for your romantic future is on track. gemini horoscopeGemini (May 21-June 20) Gemini (May 21-June 20) Romantic Venus continues its backward turn through your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy until January 29, potentially dragging out hookup ghosts from the past but also requiring you to tie up loose ends around shared resources with a partner. In short, you're being challenged to look to — and make peace with — the past in order to best prepare for your love life's future. And gung-ho Mars will be there, too, from January 24 to March 5 is sure to crank up your focus on your sex life. Not only will you be more in touch with what you want emotionally and physically — and craving it more than usual. And although you're generally more comfortable with all things light and airy, this transit can also urge you to dive into exploring deep feelings and learning about what you need and could stand to ask for more of. (See: ) cancer horoscopeLeo (July 23-August 22) Leo (July 23-August 22) From January 14 to 25, messenger Mercury will be retrograde in your seventh house of partnership, dredging up relationship issues from the past that demand your attention and ideally, a resolution. Remember that retrogrades generally ask you to . This transit's all about you showing up for yourself – and possibly for your S.O. — in a way that not only feels more genuine and creates plenty of space for compromise. The confident sun, your ruler, will be in the same zone from January 19 to February 18, turning your attention even more so to your one-on-one connections. You'll be considering your long-term relationship goals and whether or not you might want to implement a new strategy for hitting them. At the same time, with your sweetheart or a potential new partner can benefit your bond and your fulfillment — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. virgo horoscope
DA: 49 PA: 24 MOZ Rank: 80