Notice IPT1: Insurance Premium Tax - GOV.UK
4.1 ‘Cost plus’ schemesA ‘cost plus’ scheme is one where an amount is paid by an employer to provide employees with the benefit of private medical treatment. This amount is equal to the cost of the treatment plus the cost of administering the scheme. These schemes normally operate either under an insurance c… 4.2 Risk financing by ‘self-insurance’Where an organisation or group of similar bodies (for example, schools or councils) feels it’s financially able to carry its own risks, or at least part of its risks, it may create its own reserve fund by putting money aside each year to cover future losses. In such situations, and where a contra…
4.1 ‘Cost plus’ schemesA ‘cost plus’ scheme is one where an amount is paid by an employer to provide employees with the benefit of private medical treatment. This amount is equal to the cost of the treatment plus the cost of administering the scheme. These schemes normally operate either under an insurance c…
4.2 Risk financing by ‘self-insurance’Where an organisation or group of similar bodies (for example, schools or councils) feels it’s financially able to carry its own risks, or at least part of its risks, it may create its own reserve fund by putting money aside each year to cover future losses. In such situations, and where a contra…
DA: 35 PA: 39 MOZ Rank: 23