Mrsmith | Yacht AV | LAVIE Systems | Nijmegen The …
01 / FAST 01 / FASTApp store based app designed to use without any programming, on your own device.02 / RELIABLE 02 / RELIABLEWeb-based system manager with reliable interface to run all your favourite app’s and have them seamlessly integrated in to one.03 / EASY 03 / EASYLAVIE, the easy to use, configurable, future proof, AV solution. Based on standard Apple or Android hardware. Mr. Smith & LAVIEOUR STORYMr. Smith is a Dutch company with years of experience delivering easy to use full service entertainment and IT systems for super yachts. Mr. Smith has developed their own AV software platform under the brand LAVIE Systems. LAVIE Systems offers the most advanced solution in the industry.OUR VISIONUser friendliness is at the core of everything that LAVIE Systems has developed. Everything is controlled by a carefully designed app for iPad, iPhone or iWatch. This enables guests, not only to play their preferred entertainment, but also to control the entire on-board environment.OUR TECHNOLOGYLAVIE has originally been developed for use in high-end hotels and theme parks, replacing existing complex, bulky and expensive systems. LAVIE Systems has transformed this technology into the perfect on-board solution for all media needs.
DA: 47 PA: 56 MOZ Rank: 24