Cognitive enrichment for bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops
Sep 09, 2013 . Cognitive enrichment is gaining popularity as a tool to enhance captive animal well-being, but research on captive cetaceans is lacking. Dolphin cognition has been studied intensively since the 1950s, and several hundred bottlenose dolphins are housed in major zoos and aquaria worldwide, but most dolphin enrichment consists of simple floating objects. Publish Year: 2013 Author: Fay Elaine Clark, Fay Elaine Clark, Samuel L. Davies, Andrew W. Madigan, Abby J. Warner, Stan A. Kuc...
Publish Year: 2013
Author: Fay Elaine Clark, Fay Elaine Clark, Samuel L. Davies, Andrew W. Madigan, Abby J. Warner, Stan A. Kuc...
DA: 52 PA: 78 MOZ Rank: 46