Italian fiscal code - Wikipedia
The laws covering the calculation of a fiscal code were put in place by the Ministry of Economy and Financeson December 23, 1976. For natural persons, the fiscal code is made of 16 alphanumeric characters; for legal persons (e.g. corporations) it comprises 11 numeric-only characters.While it is possible to calculate one's tax code, the only official tax code is the one provided by the tax office, which avoids cases of identical tax codes (which is a frequent case fo… Some results have been removed Pagination1 2 3 4 5 Next
The laws covering the calculation of a fiscal code were put in place by the Ministry of Economy and Financeson December 23, 1976. For natural persons, the fiscal code is made of 16 alphanumeric characters; for legal persons (e.g. corporations) it comprises 11 numeric-only characters.While it is possible to calculate one's tax code, the only official tax code is the one provided by the tax office, which avoids cases of identical tax codes (which is a frequent case fo…
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