5-6 Project Based Learning Units 5-6 Project Based Learning Units Hi Families!
I am excited to share with you our 5th grade Project Based Learning Unit, as well as, our very first 6th grade Project Based Learning Unit.
In the 5th grade unit, Explorers will answer the generative question, “How can we elevate the indigenous stories and voices of history?”
Explorers will begin the unit by identifying the key differences between elementary school and middle school Project Based Learning Units. In middle school, Explorers will have two Project Based Learning Units. The first unit focuses heavily on Social Studies and the second unit focuses on Explorers’ passions.
Explorers will dive right into learning about the key geographic features of Tennessee and the first inhabitants of Tennessee. They will study the four cultures of the major indigenous settlements of Tennessee (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian). Going deeper, Explorers will also study four indigenous tribes of Tennessee and where they inhabited (Chickasaw, Cherokee, Shawnee, and Creek).
Some key areas of focus will be tracing European exploration to Westward expansion and the significance of the Proclamation Line of 1763, Cumberland Gap, Wilderness Road, and the Watauga settlement, and Trail of Tears.
Once an expert, Explorers will choose a tribe they would like to study more in depth and split into smaller groups. During the initial weeks of working in small groups, Explorers will spend time learning about a specific tribe’s culture.
In the 6th grade unit, Explorers will answer the generative question, “What is the importance and role of biodiversity in our world? How can we work together to preserve Earth’s biodiversity?”
Explorers will begin the unit by identifying the key differences between elementary school and middle school Project Based Learning Units. In middle school, Explorers will have two Project Based Learning Units. The first unit heavily focuses on Science and the second unit focuses on Explorers’ passions.
Using the Engineering Design Process, Explorers will study what an ecosystem is and why maintaining a biodiverse ecosystem is important. We will study the five primary drivers of biodiversity degradation, pollution, climate change, invasive species, habitat change, and overexploitation of resources. Explorers will also research who is doing advocacy work aligned with preserving Earth’s biodiversity, and what that work looks like on a local and international level.
In both the 5th and 6th grade units, our learning will culminate with an exciting exhibition of learning! We can’t wait to get started with this Explorations unit!
Ms. Hunter EXPLORE! COMMUNITY SCHOOLWeek of November 22nd Week of November 22nd Dear Families,
As we head into the break I want to share my deep gratitude to this community. Working with our Explorers, Staff, and Families this past week for the Exhibition reminded me again of what we can accomplish if we work together.
For those of you who might have missed the virtual exhibition of learning you can find the slide deck on Bloomz. Please do not post via social media as this is meant to be shared internally only! It was a heartwarming experience.
Next week Explorers will begin taking their second round of MAP. Please ensure that Explorers are well rested so that they can do their best and drain their brains on the test!
Community Connection:
There are many upcoming events and opportunities to become involved. Please see below for more information!
On Tuesday, November 30th we will have our K-4 Curriculum Summit. The summit is a chance for families to collect their ideas and give voice to our curriculum. This event will be in person at the school.
On Thursday, December 2nd we will have our annual title one meeting. It will be held virtually from 5:30 - 6:30 via zoom. This meeting will help participants understand how Title 1 funds are allocated.
On Tuesday, December 7th we will have a virtual parent project team meeting.
Thank you for all you do to support our community! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Ms. Talbot EXPLORE! COMMUNITY SCHOOLWeek of November 1st Week of November 1st Dear Families,
It was amazing to see so many of you at parent-teacher conferences! If you were unable to attend a conference please try to reschedule with your teacher! Thank you for your partnership!
At parent-teacher conferences, several families expressed a need for the Bloomz access codes. You can find those attached to this post! Thank you for helping us exercise craftsmanship!
Next week we have a full week of instruction. Grades K-4 will begin their drives to support local organizations that support those who are without a home in our community. Please see the attached fliers for more information.
Please join our Project-Based Learning Parent meeting on November 2nd from 6:00 - 7:15. Your participation helps us bring our EXHIBITIONS and learning to life!
Join Zoom Meeting - please reach out for link
Meeting ID: 829 261 8712
Passcode: 7DeiVJ
The middle school will be hosting Spirit Week this week. Please see the attached fliers for ways they can demonstrate community! Middle School would love your support! If you have, or are willing to donate any of the following please reach out to Ms. Smith @ or 917-622-7304. Here is a list of what is needed:
* Photo Booth
* Hay bales to sit on
* Fall themed backdrop
* Arts & Craft Room
* Small white pumpkins
* Paints & brushes
* Glue
* Fall items and fall colored paper to create Fall Collages
* Fall Ball Decorations
* Financial donations for pizza and drinks
* Candy for candy bags
We are thankful to report that we had less than 5 cases of covid i n our community this week. As we move into flue season we will be encouraging all community members to wash their hands and use practice hygiene!
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to provide an opportunity to connect. Your insight is invaluable as we grow. Please know that Ms. Smith and I are available and willing to meet if you have not yet had the opportunity! We look forward to another great week!
Ms. Smith and Ms. Talbot
- Please refrain from parking on South 8th street to walk up to the school for arrival or dismissal.
- If you arrive to Explore before 7:45 please remain to supervise your Explorer. Explorers who walk should form two lines to enter the building.
- Please do not enter the school pick-up line from South 7th Street. This disrupts our communication systems and makes pic k up longer for everyone. Please use Shelby to 12th to dew. Please also do not approach from south 11th. EXPLORE! COMMUNITY SCHOOLWeek of 9.27 Week of 9.27 Good Evening Explore Families!
I hope this finds you well and enjoying this beautiful start to Fall! I’m looking forward to the leaves changing, apple cider donuts, and cool mornings! I’m excited to learn from Explorers some of their favorite family traditions!
This week we are working to wrap up instruction for quarter one. Teachers are working through unit assessments and Explorers are showing all that they know! Please continue using STMath, practicing your math flips, and working on your child’s sight words at home. These are key areas of instruction that will support our mathematicians and readers.
Next week we have our Academic Overview Meeting. For those families that can meet in person, we would love to see you from 5:30 - 6:30 at the school OR you can join virtually from 6:45 - 7:45. This is an adult-facing meeting and when possible we recommend that Explorers remain at home. At this meeting, we will discuss the plan we are implementing to help Explorers recover academically in reading and math. We will review some of our key policies and share some exciting new programmatic changes for quarter two. I sincerely hope to see all of you there!
Community Connection:
Please join our morning program celebration Friday, October 1st at 8:05! Please email us for the link!
Next week we will also have our second parent project team meeting. It’s Tuesday, October 5th from 6:00 - 7:15. Please join us at the same link! This group's work is essential to the school's work in Project-Based learning events like our Drive-In Movie, The Dinosaur Museum and much more! Please join the team there are lots of ways to become involved! You should have received an invitation to our school's SEL page. If you did not and would like to be added please let me know!
On Friday, October 8th Explorers will remain at home as Teachers have a professional development day.
Remember that Fall break is from October 11th - October 18th. Explorers will not report during this time and the building will be closed.
Report Cards will go home in folders on October 25th.Please mark your calendars for October 29th. This is our parent-teacher conference day. Your child’s teacher will be reaching out to you to schedule a conference!
Fall Festival will take place on October 21st! This is a time for Explorers and families to connect and share memorable moments! Please stay tuned for further information! We will have picture day and are working on those logistics right now! We know looking back on these photos brings a lot of joy!Last, in response to family feedback, we have created a staff directory. It is our hope that this directory can help you connect with non-classroom-based staff. Please reach out if you have questions, concerns, or just fun family fall traditions to share! Love, Talbot EXPLORE! COMMUNITY SCHOOL
DA: 89 PA: 78 MOZ Rank: 74