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Log into the Ola Operator app by entering your registered phone number Click on the side menu drawer and select “Partner Web Login” Scan the image on the left using your smartphone and you will be logged in automatically
A fresh alternative to street hailing customers, Ola offers metered-taxis a customer base that can increase their income. Additionally, drivers receive daily payments, 24/7 call support, an inbuilt GO-TO feature and the best in field security features. Save time waiting and start earning today with Ola.
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City taxi. The perfect way to get through your everyday travel needs. City taxis are available 24/7 and you can book and travel in an instant. With rides starting from as low as Rs. 6/km, you can choose from a wide range of options! You can also opt to do your bit for the environment with Ola Share!
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The Ola S1 is coming closer to you. Now launched in all major cities with deliveries starting Oct 2021 across India. Join us in our Mission Electric with the goal that after 2025, no more petrol two wheelers will be sold in India. Landscape mode not supported.
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We were new to Mumbai and Ola Rentals helped us go to multiple places in the same cab. The helpful driver also gave us a free tour of the iconic places on the way. Dikshita Shetty, Mumbai 8hrs 80kms, August 2017 Introducing Ola Play In-Cab Experience Console Listen …
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100% contactless payments. No handling cash or cards, your payments are seamless through our app. Track your ride. Whether you are picking up or dropping off supplies you can track all your rides. Contact Tracing. We’re making sure all drivers and riders are notified if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
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Tried Ola Outstation for the first time and it was a hassle free experience.The driver was extremely polite and a great ride overall ... Enjoy music, radio, videos on the go. Cars with in-cab entertainment consoles that allow you to watch movies, listen to music and stay connected while on the move.
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