Number Games for Kids Online - SplashLearn
1. Learning & outcome: 1. Learning & outcome:
The math symbols chart, shapes, and colors chart are the initial steps to comprehend the basics of numbers. By counting the sides of solid shapes and observing colors, toddlers learn to relate numerals to the arithmetic value on fingers or objects. With each progressing grade, the knowledge of numbers is honed by comprehending , types of numbers and representation in the textual form. The corresponding learning outcomes with math lessons on numbers are listed as follows: Establishment of abstract math reasoning and numerals with manipulatives and visual math tools to understand the types of numbers
Inferring the number-sense aptitude to understand the basics of math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplications, and division
Representing numbers textually for counting and framing math equations with operators to solve word math problems
Applying the and number-sense skills to determine the missing numbers in a sequence of consecutive numbers as well as to compare and order numbers
Nurturing the mental computation skills with preschool math activities and pre k math worksheets 2. Required math skills: 2. Required math skills:
The prerequisites for solving number games insist upon instigating strong observation skills. With brain teaser puzzles and interactive educational math games, kids learn the fundamentals of “numbers” such as identification of symbols and framing numerals. In each proceeding grade, the knowledge of counting, number-sense, and place-value plays a vital role in comprehending the advanced level math concepts.3. Engagement: 3. Engagement:
The development of rudimentary math pertaining to numbers and counting is the first step towards learning math. Also, the pedagogical research activities cite remarkable skill development in kids through customized homeschool curriculum. Using interactive SplashLearn games equipped with colorful themes for kids, parents can develop a productive environment akin to classroom teaching at home. The comprehensive and engaging games are instrumental in boosting confidence by planning daily math practice sessions for kids.
Manipulatives used for teaching Numbers
The kindergarten curriculum incorporates the use of visual math tools to learn the math symbols from 0-to-9 profoundly. Using manipulatives such as base-10 blocks and colorful charts, kids learn to quickly identify numbers depicted through pictures and math flashcards. Following section reviews the manipulates used for teaching numbers.
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