Keyword | CPC | PCC | Volume | Score | Length of keyword |
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Keyword | CPC | PCC | Volume | Score |
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1. Rectus abdominis 1. Rectus abdominis The rectus abdominis muscle are the muscles that are generally known as 'abdominals' or 'abs'. These are the muscles that (when your fat percentage is low enough) are shown when someone has a six-pack. These abs are the most external of the core muscles. They start from the middle of your rib cage and run vertically to the pubic bone. Some of the most common exercises to strengthen your rectus abdominis are crunches and regular sit ups. These exercises are easy to do and fit perfectly in most . For a more advanced way of doing crunches, you can use a stability ball or perform them weighted to really make those abs burn!2. Obliques 2. Obliques Your obliques consist of two parts: the internal and external obliques. They both run along the sides of your core. The external obliques are located along the sides and front of your abdomen and the internal obliques are located underneath the external obliques and run in the opposite direction. They are both used for flexion and rotation. When you contract both your obliques at the same time, you’ll notice a forward flexion of your body. You can also contract each oblique individually which would result in a lateral flexion of your body (moving down to one side). Your obliques play a big part in stability, making it possible to do lateral (sideway) and rotating movements. But more importantly they make sure that your torso doesn't rotate on it's own. When you want to develop a lean, strong, and functional physique, you need to train your obliques. The most effective exercises to train your obliques are exercises where you twist or rotate your body. A great way to train these muscles is to do the oblique plank crunch or russian twists.3. Transverse abdominal muscles 3. Transverse abdominal muscles The transverse abdominal muscles (TVA) lay behind the obliques and run from the belly button up to the rib cage. It also wraps around the spine and pelvis, providing us with protection and stability. The TVA exists of two transverse muscles on each side of the body that are connected by a fascial sheet, making them one solid muscle. It is one of the deeper located core muscles. The function of the TVA is to stabilize the thoracic spine and pelvis. The TVA also plays a role in the deep breathing process but is also engaged when we throw up, cough, when women go into labor, and with forced exhalation. It also contracts when you’re performing heavy lifts, acting as your body’s natural weight lifting belt. People who play a wind instrument, blow up balloons or move heavy objects are all engaging their TVA. To find out where this muscle is located, all you have to do is exhale. A great way to engage your TVA is by .4. Quadratus Lumborum 4. Quadratus Lumborum If we translate quadratus lumborum (QL) from Latin to English the name would be "Square Loin", this provides us with a clearer view of where this muscle is located. The QL is a think, irregular and quadrilateral-shaped muscle that can be found in the back of the abdominal wall. Because of it's location it is often thought to be one of the back muscles. Another interesting thing about the QL is that it's broader below than it is above. The most vital function of this core muscle is that it connects the upper and the lower body (From the top of the pelvis to the bottom rib and the side of your spine). Besides connecting the upper and the lower body, the QL helps stabilize the hips, spine and it can help in breathing. A great ab exercise to train this muscle is the side plank. If you want to increase the intensity of the side plank on your QL, raise the arm and leg that you don't lean on while doing the side plank. This requires more balance and puts more weight on your QL making it harder to maintain the exercise.5. Psoas Major 5. Psoas Major The Psoas Major is part of the hip flexors. Together the hip flexors pull the thigh and the torso towards each other. The psoas major is the biggest and strongest of this muscle group. It runs from the lower spine into the inner thigh, crossing the hip joint, making it the deepest located of all your core muscles. The Psoas plays a big role as the main stabilizer in certain exercises such as the Olympic lifts, but it's also prominent in daily activities like walking or running. Any activity that requires moving your legs involves the psoas muscle to some degree. Given that fact, the best way to train your psoas major is by doing a workout routine that involves your legs. One of our favorites is the because it's a fantastic way to engage your core, psoas major and for that matter, the rest of your hip flexor muscles. If a hanging leg raise is too hard, try to just raise your knees up to your abs or try a . Another movement that mimics the hanging leg raise is the leg throwdown, but this movement requires the assistance of a partner to “throw your legs”. Pro Tip: The psoas tends to be very overactive, especially if you work a desk job and spend long periods of time sitting. Thus to avoid excessive forward leaning in your bigger lifts, such as the squat, try doing some stretches that will relax the psoas. Some Final Thoughts on Ab Training By addressing all of these muscles you are going to strengthen your core. But if you know anything about ab exercises and how fitness in general operates, you’ll realize this isn't even the tip of the iceberg concerning ab workouts. To find even more exercises to target your abs, check out our abs exercise database and for ideas on how to tie all of this information together browse the rest of this page to see the wide variety of ab workouts that we offer! For more helpful information on ab specific training, check out some of our best articles on the topic!
DA: 74 PA: 1 MOZ Rank: 46
Each workout is under 10 minutes of high intensity work to strengthen your core, firm your abs, and burn fat. You’ll do these workouts each day with 2 days of rest a week. The foundation of my PowerAbs program are the movements I learned during my extensive gymnastics career and continue to incorporate in my workouts today.
DA: 11 PA: 52 MOZ Rank: 67
Exercise 1: Sit-up Exercise 1: Sit-up Primary Target: Upper Abs Lie flat on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your legs secured under a piece of heavy furniture or bench. Place your hands by your chest. Flexing your abdominals, raise your torso until you are in nearly a sitting position. Retaining tension on the abs, lower your torso to the beginning position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth.)Exercise 2: Leg Lift Exercise 2: Leg Lift Primary Target: Lower Abs Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands at your sides by the floor for support. Flexing your lower abdominals, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Retain tension as you lower your legs to the beginning position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to let your legs drop on the negative portion of the movement.)Exercise 3: V-up Exercise 3: V-up Primary Target: Upper and Lower Abs Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands at your sides by the floor for support. Flexing your lower abdominals, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. At this time, raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your back from the floor. Maintaim tension as you lower your legs to the beginning position, then bring your torso to the starting position as well. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth.)Exercise 4: Seated knee tuck Exercise 4: Seated knee tuck Primary Target: Lower Abs Sit on the floor (or on the edge of a chair or exercise bench) with your legs extended in front of you and your hands holding on to the sides for support. Keep your knees together and pull them in toward your chest until you can't go any farther. Keeping the tension on your lower abs, return to the start position and repeat the movement until you've completed your set.Exercise 5: Toe-Toucher Exercise 5: Toe-Toucher Primary Target: Upper and Lower Abs Lie on the floor with your legs touching and extended in front of you, and your hands by your side. Lift your legs up as high as possible while at the same time bringing your torso toward them and reaching your hands toward your toes. Return to the start position and repeat the movement until you have completed your set. Exercise 6: Crunches Exercise 6: Crunches Primary Target: Upper Abs Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs bent at the knees. Place your hands by your chest. Raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your lower back from the floor. Retaining tension on the abs, bring your torso to the starting position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth.)Exercise 7: Reverse Crunch Exercise 7: Reverse Crunch Primary Target: Upper and Lower Abs Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands palms down at your sides for support. Slowly bend your legs at the knees and bring them toward your chest. Once your knees are by your chest, raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your back from the floor. Return your legs to the starting position and bring your torso back to the floor. This is just one of the many great you'll find at Keep exploring to find the right ones for you! .AuthorSummary-authorName, .AuthorSummary-p { margin-bottom: 15px !important; } .AuthorSummary-authorName { margin-top: 0 !important; } .AuthorSummary-gridUnitContent { padding-left: 0 !important; } @media (min-width: 767px) { .AuthorSummary-gridUnitContent { padding-left: 20px !important; } } About the Author
DA: 45 PA: 9 MOZ Rank: 88
DA: 77 PA: 56 MOZ Rank: 78
DA: 96 PA: 61 MOZ Rank: 2
Dec 04, 2018 . A 10 min intense lower abs AT HOME NO EQUIPMENT workout to target your lower belly. How to lose lower belly fat!⭐️ GRAB MY COOKBOOK! 100+ RECIPES: https://go...
DA: 46 PA: 9 MOZ Rank: 31
Feb 13, 2020 . No sitting, laying down, or crunches in this Standing Abs Workout. 10 minutes of core work. No equipment needed in this bodyweight ab workout!👉🏼SHOP MY COO...
DA: 1 PA: 77 MOZ Rank: 18
This step by step 90 day training and nutrition plan, combines strength and conditioning to help you build a ripped, lean athletic body. Δ. If you want a home training plan that will help you build ripped, athletic muscle with nothing but your own body (zero equipment needed!) then this is the plan for you. No bands.
DA: 33 PA: 14 MOZ Rank: 47
Set a routine with the Peloton Bike. Get the Bike for $1,495 $1,895 and find out why 70% of Members work out more than they did before joining.². Shop Bike Compare your costs. Chevron. Chevron. $0 down and 0% APR¹ with. Affirm. Prequalify Now. Bikes.
DA: 90 PA: 30 MOZ Rank: 46
DA: 57 PA: 88 MOZ Rank: 72
Mistake #4:Doing Crunches & Sit-Ups To Get 6-Pack Abs. If you want washboard abs, doing traditional ab exercises like crunches and sit-ups WILL NOT get you a six pack. In fact, doing any exercises that target your abs won't get you a six pack either! These so-called "ab" exercises are a …
DA: 54 PA: 49 MOZ Rank: 93
DA: 30 PA: 89 MOZ Rank: 2
02-Sep-2021 - This Pin was created by miss coco on Pinterest. fitness goals: abs workout routine tutorial..
DA: 17 PA: 32 MOZ Rank: 86
DA: 52 PA: 27 MOZ Rank: 12
Jun 5, 2021 - This Pin was created by Tetiza Fitness on Pinterest. My abs workout routine at home for ladies..
DA: 84 PA: 73 MOZ Rank: 27
Jul 16, 2021 - This Pin was created by beauty and fitness hub on Pinterest. Abs Workout..
DA: 74 PA: 70 MOZ Rank: 65
Try this resistance band exercise as part of an easy abs workout, or tack it on to this full-body resistance band routine to hit your whole body. How to do it: A. Start by lying on the floor with a 3-foot-long scarf, towel, or resistance band wrapped around the ball of your right foot, knees bent, left foot on the floor. Hold the scarf in both ...
DA: 64 PA: 34 MOZ Rank: 32
DA: 98 PA: 41 MOZ Rank: 96
Jun 29, 2021 . However, you can also improve them by adding these exercises to your routine. Give them a shot and watch your abs change. And for more great exercises to try, see here to …
DA: 85 PA: 59 MOZ Rank: 46