Germany begins nuclear phase-out, shuts down three of …
In Gundremmingen, however, the decision has been a tough pill to swallow. The nuclear power station has been "as much a part of the village as the church" and it feels as though "something is dying", said Gerlinde Hutter, owner of a local guest house. According to the former mayor of the village, Wolfgang Meye, it will take at least 50 years to remove all radioactive material from the … login
In Gundremmingen, however, the decision has been a tough pill to swallow. The nuclear power station has been "as much a part of the village as the church" and it feels as though "something is dying", said Gerlinde Hutter, owner of a local guest house. According to the former mayor of the village, Wolfgang Meye, it will take at least 50 years to remove all radioactive material from the …
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