The Most Requested Hand Tied Extensions Method - IBE Stylists
Level 1 THE BASICS Level 1 THE BASICSYou will begin by learning the basic method of IBE® with practice on a mannequin.You will be taught everything from consultation to fitting the right length and color of hair.Sectioning, placement, beadwork and foundation techniques, weft placements, and proprietary IBE® stitching techniques.Learn all these through our innovative online education portal or right in the IBE® mobile app along with your one-on-one mentor.Completion and sign off from your mentor in this level will ensure you are comprehending the method and becoming confident in its application behind the chair. –Level 2 STEP UP YOUR GAME Level 2 STEP UP YOUR GAMEOnce your mentor has signed off and level one is complete, you will step up your game.In level two you will repeat the process of learning in application and technique, however this time on an actual human model! You will be taking everything you have learned in section 1 and putting it into real-life practice.Your mentor will be digging in deep at this point and giving you dialed in personalized feedback and coaching. They will be making sure you have every single question answered and that you feel 100% prepared and confident to take your IBE® work behind the chair. –Level 3 GET CERTIFIED! Level 3 GET CERTIFIED!With level one and two in the books, lets put some icing on the cake!We are going to dive into social media training and how to market the IBE® method.You will be taken through the process of how to get clients seeking you out as an expert extensionist and booking consultations.You will also do your final test out model. Here you will apply two rows of IBE® to your model and take her through the entire process of extension application, custom coloring, cutting and styling. You will supply all the appropriate photos to your mentor and you will decide together if you are ready to move forward.When level 3 is complete, you will join the ranks of being a certified IBE® stylist and start to enjoy the fruits of your hard work.Welcome to the IBE® family! –
DA: 7 PA: 72 MOZ Rank: 95