Hadrian's Wall.The Forts - Odyssey: Adventures
Normally there would have been four double-portalled gateways—one midway along each of the short walls and one about one-third of the way along each of the long sides, where the via principalis, ran through the fort. The gates were protected by flanking towers and there were a number of turrets, generally spaced halfway between each gate. As was the case along the Wall, they projected inwards and had little military value beyond serving as watchtowers. They did no…
Normally there would have been four double-portalled gateways—one midway along each of the short walls and one about one-third of the way along each of the long sides, where the via principalis, ran through the fort. The gates were protected by flanking towers and there were a number of turrets, generally spaced halfway between each gate. As was the case along the Wall, they projected inwards and had little military value beyond serving as watchtowers. They did no…
DA: 90 PA: 95 MOZ Rank: 31