Keyword | CPC | PCC | Volume | Score | Length of keyword |
watershed health logo | 0.34 | 0.2 | 7113 | 27 | 21 |
watershed | 0.53 | 0.6 | 5439 | 98 | 9 |
health | 1.35 | 0.2 | 134 | 12 | 6 |
logo | 0.38 | 1 | 5795 | 83 | 4 |
Keyword | CPC | PCC | Volume | Score |
watershed health logo | 0.26 | 0.3 | 2902 | 92 |
watershed health login | 1.68 | 1 | 7529 | 68 |
Jan 04, 2022 . The software can be used for recovering passwords from online applications. It allows faster password cracking as compared to other brute force password crackers. The application uses a time-memory trade-off technique for computing passwords. The results are stored in a rainbow table that can be used to crack a password using brute force techniques.
DA: 34 PA: 37 MOZ Rank: 6
Fire up Kali and open THC-Hydra from Applications -> Kali Linux -> Password Attacks -> Online Attacks -> hydra. Step 2: Get the Web Form Parameters To be able to hack web form usernames and passwords, we need to determine the parameters of the web form login page as well as how the form responds to bad/failed logins.
DA: 25 PA: 13 MOZ Rank: 64
1. Hashcat 1. Hashcat Hashcat is one of the most popular and widely used password crackers in existence. It is available on every operating system and supports over 300 different types of hashes. Hashcat enables highly-parallelized password cracking with the ability to crack multiple different passwords on multiple different devices at the same time and the ability to support a distributed hash-cracking system via overlays. Cracking is optimized with integrated performance tuning and temperature monitoring. Download Hashcat .2. John the Ripper 2. John the Ripper John the Ripper is a well-known free open-source password cracking tool for Linux, Unix and Mac OS X. A Windows version is also available. John the Ripper offers password cracking for a variety of different password types. It goes beyond OS passwords to include common web apps (like WordPress), compressed archives, document files (Microsoft Office files, PDFs and so on), and more. A pro version of the tool is also available, which offers better features and native packages for target operating systems. You can also download Openwall GNU/*/Linux that comes with John the Ripper. Download John the Ripper .3. Brutus 3. Brutus Brutus is one of the most popular remote online password-cracking tools. It claims to be the fastest and most flexible password cracking tool. This tool is free and is only available for Windows systems. It was released back in October 2000. Brutus supports a number of different authentication types, including: HTTP (basic authentication) HTTP (HTML Form/CGI) POP3 FTP SMB Telnet IMAP NNTP NetBus Custom protocols It is also capable of supporting multi-stage authentication protocols and can attack up to sixty different targets in parallel. It also offers the ability to pause, resume and import an attack. Brutus has not been updated for several years. However, its support for a wide variety of authentication protocols and ability to add custom modules make it a popular tool for online password cracking attacks. Get the Brutus password finder online .4. Wfuzz 4. Wfuzz Wfuzz is a web application password-cracking tool like Brutus that tries to crack passwords via a brute-force guessing attack. It can also be used to find hidden resources like directories, servlets and scripts. Wfuzz can also identify injection vulnerabilities within an application such as SQL injection, XSS injection and LDAP injection. Key features of the Wfuzz password-cracking tool include: Injection at multiple points in multiple directories Output in colored HTML Post, headers and authentication data brute-forcing Proxy and SOCK support, multiple proxy support Multi-threading HTTP password brute-force via GET or POST requests Time delay between requests Cookie fuzzing5. THC Hydra 5. THC Hydra THC Hydra is an online password-cracking tool that attempts to determine user credentials via brute-force password guessing attack. It is available for Windows, Linux, Free BSD, Solaris and OS X. THC Hydra is extensible with the ability to easily install new modules. It also supports a number of network protocols, including Asterisk, AFP, Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, Firebird, FTP, HTTP-FORM-GET, HTTP-FORM-POST, HTTP-GET, HTTP-HEAD, HTTP-PROXY, HTTPS-FORM-GET, HTTPS-FORM-POST, HTTPS-GET, HTTPS-HEAD, HTTP-Proxy, ICQ, IMAP, IRC, LDAP, MS-SQL, MYSQL, NCP, NNTP, Oracle Listener, Oracle SID, Oracle, PC-Anywhere, PCNFS, POP3, POSTGRES, RDP, Rexec, Rlogin, Rsh, SAP/R3, SIP, SMB, SMTP, SMTP Enum, SNMP, SOCKS5, SSH (v1 and v2), Subversion, Teamspeak (TS2), Telnet, VMware-Auth, VNC and XMPP. Download THC Hydra . If you are a developer, you can also contribute to the tool’s development.6. Medusa 6. Medusa Medusa is an online password-cracking tool similar to THC Hydra. It claims to be a speedy parallel, modular and login brute-forcing tool. It supports HTTP, FTP, CVS, AFP, IMAP, MS SQL, MYSQL, NCP, NNTP, POP3, PostgreSQL, pcAnywhere, rlogin, SMB, rsh, SMTP, SNMP, SSH, SVN, VNC, VmAuthd and Telnet. Medusa is a command-line tool, so some level of command-line knowledge is necessary to use it. Password-cracking speed depends on network connectivity. On a local system, it can test 2,000 passwords per minute. Medusa also supports parallelized attacks. In addition to a wordlist of passwords to try, it is also possible to define a list of usernames or email addresses to test during an attack. Read more about this . Download Medusa .7. RainbowCrack 7. RainbowCrack All password-cracking is subject to a time-memory tradeoff. If an attacker has precomputed a table of password/hash pairs and stored them as a “rainbow table,” then the password-cracking process is simplified to a table lookup. This threat is why passwords are now salted: adding a unique, random value to every password before hashing it means that the number of rainbow tables required is much larger. RainbowCrack is a password cracking tool designed to work using rainbow tables. It is possible to generate custom rainbow tables or take advantage of preexisting ones downloaded from the internet. RainbowCrack offers free downloads of rainbow tables for the LANMAN, NTLM, MD5 and SHA1 password systems. Download rainbow tables . A few paid rainbow tables are also available, which you can buy from . This tool is available for both Windows and Linux systems. Download RainbowCrack .8. OphCrack 8. OphCrack OphCrack is a free rainbow table-based password cracking tool for Windows. It is the most popular Windows password cracking tool but can also be used on Linux and Mac systems. It cracks LM and NTLM hashes. For cracking Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, free rainbow tables are also available. A live CD of OphCrack is also available to simplify the cracking. One can use the Live CD of OphCrack to crack Windows-based passwords. This tool is available for free. Download OphCrack . Download free and premium rainbow tables for OphCrack .9. L0phtCrack 9. L0phtCrack L0phtCrack is an alternative to OphCrack. It attempts to crack Windows passwords from hashes. For cracking passwords, it uses Windows workstations, network servers, primary domain controllers and Active Directory. It also uses dictionary and brute-force attacks for generating and guessing passwords. It was acquired by Symantec and discontinued in 2006. Later, L0pht developers again reacquired it and launched L0phtCrack in 2009. L0phtCrack also comes with the ability to scan routine password security scans. One can set daily, weekly or monthly audits, and it will start scanning at the scheduled time. Learn about L0phtCrack .10. Aircrack-ng 10. Aircrack-ng Aircrack-ng is a Wi-Fi password-cracking tool that can crack WEP or WPA/WPA2 PSK passwords. It analyzes wireless encrypted packets and then tries to crack passwords via the dictionary attacks and the PTW, FMS and other cracking algorithms. It is available for Linux and Windows systems. A live CD of Aircrack is also available. Aircrack-ng tutorials are available . Download Aircrack-ng . How to create a password that’s hard to crack In this post, we have listed 10 password-cracking tools. These tools try to crack passwords with different password-cracking algorithms. Most of the password cracking tools are available for free. So, you should always try to have a strong password that is hard to crack. These are a few tips you can try while creating a password. The longer the password, the harder it is to crack: Password length is the most important factor. The complexity of a brute force password guessing attack grows exponentially with the length of the password. A random seven-character password can be cracked in minutes, while a ten-character one takes hundreds of years. Always use a combination of characters, numbers and special characters: Using a variety of characters also makes brute-force password-guessing more difficult, since it means that crackers need to try a wider variety of options for each character of the password. Incorporate numbers and special characters and not just at the end of the password or as a letter substitution (like @ for a). Variety in passwords: Credential stuffing attacks use bots to test if passwords stolen from one online account are also used for other accounts. A data breach at a tiny company could compromise a bank account if the same credentials are used. Use a long, random, and unique password for all online accounts. What to avoid while selecting your password Cybercriminals and password cracker developers know all of the “clever” tricks that people use to create their passwords. A few common password mistakes that should be avoided include: Using a dictionary word: Dictionary attacks are designed to test every word in the dictionary (and common permutations) in seconds. Using personal information: A pet’s name, relative’s name, birthplace, favorite sport and so on are all dictionary words. Even if they weren’t, tools exist to grab this information from social media and build a wordlist from it for an attack. Using patterns: Passwords like 1111111, 12345678, qwerty and asdfgh are some of the most commonly used ones in existence. They’re also included in every password cracker’s wordlist. Using character substitutions: Character substitutions like 4 for A and $ for S are well-known. Dictionary attacks test for these substitutions automatically. Using numbers and special characters only at the end: Most people put their required numbers and special characters at the end of the password. These patterns are built into password crackers. Using common passwords: Every year, companies like Splashdata publish lists of the most commonly used passwords. They create these lists by cracking breached passwords, just like an attacker would. Never use the passwords on these lists or anything like them. Using anything but a random password: Passwords should be long, random, and unique. Use a password manager to securely generate and store passwords for online accounts. Conclusion Password-cracking tools are designed to take the password hashes leaked during a data breach or stolen using an attack and extract the original passwords from them. They accomplish this by taking advantage of the use of weak passwords or by trying every potential password of a given length. Password finders can be used for a variety of different purposes, not all of them bad. While they’re commonly used by cybercriminals, security teams can also use them to audit the strength of their users’ passwords and assess the risk of weak passwords to the organization. Posted: September 25, 2020 Share: Uh-oh! We've encountered a new and totally unexpected error. Get instant boot camp pricing Thank you! A new tab for your requested boot camp pricing will open in 5 seconds. If it doesn't open, . Author Howard Poston Howard Poston is a cybersecurity researcher with a background in blockchain, cryptography and malware analysis. He has a master's degree in Cyber Operations from the Air Force Institute of Technology and two years of experience in cybersecurity research and development at Sandia National Labs. He currently works as a freelance consultant providing training and content creation for cyber and blockchain security. In this Series Related Bootcamps23 responses to “10 most popular password cracking tools [updated 2020]” 23 responses to “10 most popular password cracking tools [updated 2020]” bob says: it was a very useful artical says: how to download? says: Very useful article. Passwords are the weakest thing on the Internet says: Forgot to add I have just changed allot of my passwords based on this info A says: What if I want to crack a password for a social media personal account? Are these tools useful? Pavitra says: For cracking social media password, social engineering works best. Because these websites secure their forms form bruteforcing with captcha validation if you try more than 3-4 times with wrong password says: Ok, the only password cracker you have on here that WAS my favorite is now the most useless. That is L0pht or it was when it was free, it cracked password I thought for sure were secure, now it can crack qwerty just not qwer7y or anything more complicated than that. Whomever owns it now only wants to rake in some money banking on it’s name. Check out what they want to charge you for what I consider to be a piece of junk compared to Cain or ophcrack. Davide says: Great tool collections. But I used PCUnlocker Live CD more frequently than the programs above. says: Looking for SSH login password crack software kayzee paracha says: how to find password of wifi hotspot ? Brad says: No mention of oclHashCat in a top 10? says: If you want to do it without any software, you need to understand how network works. You’ll have to write a program that spoofs the ARP or makes a chopchop attack, then write a bruteforce tool to make password attacks. But do you really want to go through all that? No I don’t think so. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel, learn to use one of these tools and try to see if there are more for your platform kamal says: how can i get soft wire to harck wifi ser and password.. Ummmm says: How would you use one of these to hack an online game password? Just another third party says: oclhashcat is the best though Kyle Norton says: Need an account hacked? Try Tim >>shimomurat at ayh0o dot c0m<< They helped me with my cheating GF. Totally legit and by far the best out ther. They also reply on time fuck you says: spam Pierre says: Im want to know how to crack good emails and password Daiki Mizu says: Any that could work to crack simple Hamachi servers with 4 digit passwords? help i want to access my old server. srry bro says: so then you shouldn’t use this tools… John Okoro says: please please i need a mail crack any help please’ OM Kalal says: Not include Hirenboot??????? kamal says: hello i need sotf wire to harck user name and password of email account,not the one that bring the same name…
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