Speed cameras for Garmin - SCDB.info - The Worldwide …
1 Installation of software POI Loader 1 Installation of software POI Loader First, please install the software POI Loader on your computer. Load the latest POI Loader from the Garmin support website for free: 2 Download speed camera data 2 Download speed camera data We offer data of fixed speed cameras and mobile speed cameras. Go to our . Make your choice. Download mobile speed camera data: Press the button Download For Free. The download starts automatically. Save file garmin-mobil.zip to your hard disc. Download fixed speed cameras: Make your choice on the download page. Use the preselection list on the left side or the country list on the right. Press the CTRL key for multiple choice. Select a speed camera icon. See sample icons below each option. Note: The number of speed cameras is the same for each option, no matter how many files the download contains. If you choose Split into all categories,... ...you'll get various icons for respective camera types (e.g. section control, redlight, speed camera). The database is split into many files, e.g. SCDB_Redlight.csv, SCDB_Redlight_20.csv,..., SCDB_Section_20.csv, SCDB_Speed_30.csv, ..., SCDB_Tunnel.csv, aso. If you choose Split into speed cameras & redlights,... ...you'll get 2 icon files (speedcam and redlight). The database is split into two files. e.g. SCDB_Speed.csv, SCDB_Redlight.csv If you choose All safety cameras in one category,... ...you'll get 1 icon file (speed camera). The database consists of only one file. E.g. SCDB_Camera.csv If you choose All safety cameras in one category (another icon),... ...you'll get 1 icon file (warning triangle). The database consists of only one file. E.g. SCDB_Danger.csv Select icon size also: small, medium or large. Note: There is an additional option for zumo devices. Try out yourself what looks best on your device. Press button Download Now. Save the file garmin.zip on your hard disc. Note: In most cases, the file is saved directly in the download folder of the computer. Depending on your browser settings, sometimes you can choose the location by yourself. In our example, we download fixed and mobile speed cameras. We save the files garmin.zip and garmin-mobile.zip in the folder Downloads on our computer. Unpack zip file(s). You'll get folders for fixed and mobile speed cameras. Unpacking on a Windows computer: right click on the zip file > Extract all... Unpacking on a Mac Computer: double click on the zip file. Note: CSV files are displayed by an Excel icon if you have installed Microsoft Excel on your computer. No reason to worry! You should not open the file via Excel though because the file format then can get corrupted and the file unusable. The folder garmin includes fixed speed cameras. Files formats: CSV (speedcams) and BMP (icons). The number of files depends on your choice on download page. We downloaded speed cameras for Europe, split in all categories. File names let you know about the file content. Our speed values are unitless. They can refer to mph (Great Britain) and kph (Continental Europe). Ex.: Both, the British speedcam with 30mph and the German speedcam with 30kph are included in the file SCDB_Speed_30.csv (if you select these countries). See also capter 8: . SCDB_Redlight redlight cameras SCDB_Redlight_50 combined cameras for redlight and speed SCDB_Section_40 SPECS, section controls with speed limit 40 mph / kph SCDB_Speed_30 speed cameras with speed limit 30 mph / kph SCDB_Speed_variable speed cameras with variable speed limit SCDB_Tunnel cameras inside a tunnel or following a tunnel The folder garmin-mobile includes mobile speed cameras in subfolders. Choose only 1 country. Or choose All countries if you want more than 1 country. Move all files for fixed speedcams and all files for mobile speedcams into one folder before starting POI Loader. (Ignore this step when you install only fixed speedcams.) In our example: We create a new folder SCDB-Blitzer on the desktop. We then move all files into this folder to install. Fixed speedcams: Move all *.csv and *.bmp files into the folder SCDB-Blitzer: Mobile speedcams: Choose 1 country (or folder "All countries") and move all *.csv files into the folder SCDB-Blitzer: Mobile speedcams: Choose subfolder with preferred icon size (e.g. mobile_32x32_8bit_medium) and move all *.bmp files into folder SCDB-Blitzer: Finally, the folder SCDB-Blitzer includes all files for the installation: 3 Installation of speed camera data 3 Installation of speed camera data Switch on your Garmin device. Connect the device with your computer. Start the software POI Loader. Follow the instructions on the screen. Select Garmin Device to install the POIs directly on your device. It's the easiest way! Note for Garmin zumo XT Select Computer (not: Garmin Device). Because POI Loader often don't connect with zumo XT (issue in Garmin software). Note: You might need to overwrite preexisting POI files. Factory-installed POIs (petrol stations, pharmacies, etc.) will not be removed doing this. Skip the following when you chose Garmin Device in the step before. Select Computer to save the POI file on your computer. This method is recommended if the device can not be connected directly to the computer or multiple devices need to be updated. Press Browse. Choose the location where the POI file should be saved. In our example, we choose Desktop in order to find the file quickly. Press Browse. Choose the location where the unzipped POI file(s) were saved. In our example it's the folder SCDB-Blitzer on the desktop. Choose a name for POI file, e.g. poi. Select units (miles and MPH / Meters and kPH). Also select the setting mode. Express mode is recommended. Express Mode The express mode uses default settings for proximity alerts. Manual Mode The manual mode allows you to set custom values for approaching alerts. This takes more time. Press Next. The POI Loader reads the data and converts them into a POI file. The POI Loader displays the exact number of installed POIs at the end. Skip when you chose Garmin Device before. If you chose Computer you can find the converted POI file poi.gpi on your desktop. The file name depends on your choice in the step before. Copy and paste the POI file into the Garmin device in folder poi. Alternatively, copy and paste to the SD card into the folder "[SD card]/Garmin/poi". Note for Garmin zumo XT (Mac): The Garmin zumo XT is based on Android. Mac Finder doesn't display the device. Download and use to connect zumo XT to the Mac computer. And paste the file poi.gpi into the device. 4 Deleting Cyclops sample POIs 4 Deleting Cyclops sample POIs Mostly, Cyclops sample POIs are preinstalled in the POI folder. Cyclops POIs prevent the display of SCDB POIs. Therefore you have to delete (Löschen) all Cyclops files (e.g. AustriaGermanyCyclopsSample.gpi, ...). Disconnect the Garmin device from the computer. 5 Enabling proximity alerts 5 Enabling proximity alerts Switch on the Garmin device. Go to Settings > Driver Assistance > Proximity Alerts. Menu Audio: We recommend "Continuous Tone". Menu Alerts: Enable "Custom POIs". "Garmin Safety Cameras" must be disabled! You can't use SCDB and Garmin Safety Cameras at the same time. You want to check if the installation was successful? Go to Where To? > Categories > Custom POIs. Select a speedcam POI in one of the available SCDB categories. Now your Garmin is ready for a safe trip. Note: Make a real test drive. Alerts doesn't work on simulated route. 6 Updating speed camera data 6 Updating speed camera data Repeat all steps of the guide above to update the speed camera data on your device. In general, it is not necessary to delete old data before. New data overwrite the old ones if you choose the same name for POI file (e.g. poi). In case you have any problems with the installation, you should delete old POIs from the system beforehand. Monthly updates are recommended. 7 Removing speed camera data 7 Removing speed camera data Switch on the Garmin device. Connect the device to the computer. Start software POI Loader and follow instructions on screen. Select option Remove all previously installed custom POIs from your Garmin. Confirm message by pressing OK. In the end, the speed camera data (custom POIs) will be completely removed from your Garmin. 8 Advice for countries with different units (MPH and KMH) 8 Advice for countries with different units (MPH and KMH) In case you want to travel to countries with another speed unit, there are a few things you must consider. Example: You downloaded data for fixed speedcams in "Europe" with the option "Split into all categories (several files)". These files are unitless in our data: So, the file SCDB_Tempo_30.csv contains speedcams with both speeds 30 km/h AND 30 mph. Problem: In Europe, the speed is measured in km/h (kilometers per hour), while in Great Britain it's mph (miles per hour). In the POI Loader though, you have to choose only one unit. Solution: Please download the countries with the with different units separately from each other. Install the files using the POI Loader separately from each and choose different names. Example: First, please download data for fixed speedcams in Europe (without Great Britain). Only then go on to download the data for Great Britain. Install the data for Europe first, using the POI Loader. Name the POI file poi-europe and choose the units Meter und km/h. POI Loader will create the file poi-europe.gpi. Then, install the data for Great Britain using the POI Loader. Name the POI file poi-uk and choose the units Miles and mph. The POI Loader will create the file poi-uk.gpi. In the device settings you can adjust the units for each country. The speedcam alerts will now be correct and unit based.9 Frequently Asked Questions 9 Frequently Asked Questions We also recommend to note the . In most cases, the solution to a problem can already be found here. Back to the Good Reasons for SCDB.info - Speed Camera DataBase
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